在夜神模擬器上暢玩 HouseBook - Home Inventory 電腦版
Use HouseBook to keep track of all of the inventory in your house or business. Simply input your stuff, take pictures, and HouseBook will remember exactly where they are, what they look like, as well as any other attributes you add. HouseBook stores data on the cloud, so even if your phone is destroyed, your inventory will be available. Your inventory is easily searchable through the app or through the Google Assistant(in select countries/languages). You can share your inventory with housemates and they can add items too. You can even let others view your inventory just by sharing a link! HouseBook is available on Android, iOS, and the Web at https://housebook.io.
Some reasons to use HouseBook:
- To keep a log of your stuff for insurance purposes.
- You run an AirBnB and want to share your house with tenants on a more granular level (i.e. A tenant might not know if the property has pots and pans in the cabinets. HouseBook can tell them.).
- You run a business and want to share your inventory with your clients. i.e. Somebody that runs a gym might want to share the gym equipment on social media so people can see the exact equipment that is in the gym.
- You are a landlord and want to keep a "Before" of your property.
- You are always forgetting where things are.
- You have a smart home and want to be able to say "Hey Google, ask House Book to find my Umbrella" and have it reply "Your Umbrella is in the top shelf of the entryway closet.".
- To help friends/relatives with Dementia find their stuff.
- A Babysitter is coming over and you want them to know where things are at your house.
- Etc.
Remember that HouseBook is for things that have a relatively permanent home. It is not intended to be used for items that tend to move around like your phone, wallet, or keys.
HouseBook is completely free to use if you have 100 items or less.
Premium $29.99
- Going premium will give you
- 300 additional items
- 2 houses
- Multiple images per item
- Higher quality images
- No ads
You may also choose to add additional items
- 100 Items $4.99
- 200 Items $8.99
- 500 Items $14.99
*Pricing may be different depending on your country.
Some reasons to use HouseBook:
- To keep a log of your stuff for insurance purposes.
- You run an AirBnB and want to share your house with tenants on a more granular level (i.e. A tenant might not know if the property has pots and pans in the cabinets. HouseBook can tell them.).
- You run a business and want to share your inventory with your clients. i.e. Somebody that runs a gym might want to share the gym equipment on social media so people can see the exact equipment that is in the gym.
- You are a landlord and want to keep a "Before" of your property.
- You are always forgetting where things are.
- You have a smart home and want to be able to say "Hey Google, ask House Book to find my Umbrella" and have it reply "Your Umbrella is in the top shelf of the entryway closet.".
- To help friends/relatives with Dementia find their stuff.
- A Babysitter is coming over and you want them to know where things are at your house.
- Etc.
Remember that HouseBook is for things that have a relatively permanent home. It is not intended to be used for items that tend to move around like your phone, wallet, or keys.
HouseBook is completely free to use if you have 100 items or less.
Premium $29.99
- Going premium will give you
- 300 additional items
- 2 houses
- Multiple images per item
- Higher quality images
- No ads
You may also choose to add additional items
- 100 Items $4.99
- 200 Items $8.99
- 500 Items $14.99
*Pricing may be different depending on your country.

安卓模擬器上玩HouseBook - Home Inventory手遊電腦版的方法
3在模擬器上搜尋HouseBook - Home Inventory
6在電腦上用夜神模擬器暢玩HouseBook - Home Inventory
HouseBook - Home Inventory的精彩影片
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