在夜神模擬器上暢玩 Euchre Classic 電腦版
Enjoy your favorite card game without any timers, lives or limits!
Online or offline, play the best classic trick-taking card game designed specifically for Android. Plus, it’s 100% free! Euchre Classic has that traditional feel you’ve been looking for, with intelligent computer opponents that are just as intuitive as any in-person challenger to sit at your table. Keep it fun and relaxing with this family favorite card game, and download Euchre Classic today!
• 3 levels of difficulty
• Ability to play offline
• Clever computer opponents
• Large, easy to read cards
• 3 game modes - Stick the Dealer, Canadian Loner & Benny
• 3 game speeds to choose from
• Autosave - close the app and retain your progress
• Free, with unlimited matches
Euchre is a popular trick-taking card game that’s closely related to Hearts, Spades, Bridge and Whist. It is also known as Bacon in other English-speaking countries. The object of the game is for a partnership to win at least three tricks. If the side that selected trump fails to get three tricks, it is said to be “euchred”. Winning all five tricks is called a “march”.
Paired up into teams of two, each player receives 5 cards. The trump suit is determined through a bidding phase before each round. The Makers are the partnership who selected the trump suit and must win more tricks than the Defenders.
Players are required to follow suit after the leading card has been played. The player who played the highest value card of the suit that was lead will collect the trick. Points are awarded after each round based on which partnership won more tricks.
When one or more cards of the trump suit are in a trick, the highest trump suit card will win the trick. The team who reaches 10 points first win the game.
• Bowers: the highest cards in the suit
• Defenders: the partnership that did not order the trump
• Euchre(d): when a player calls trump and fails to get three tricks
• Eldest Hand (AKA 1st Seat): opponent to the left of the dealer
• Hand: a hand consists of five tricks (when all cards from the deal have been played)
• Kitty: the four cards left over after the deal
• Makers: the partnership that ordered the trump
• March: calling and getting all five tricks
• Order Up: declaring the trump suit
• Pone (AKA 3rd Seat): the opponent to the right of the dealer
• Singleton: a lone card of any given suit, when no other cards of that suit are held in your hand
• Stick the Dealer: a game option that forces the dealer to declare the trump suit if all other players pass in the 2nd round of bidding
• Trick: all four cards played by each player
• Trump: the suit that outranks all other suits
• Turn-card (AKA Up-Card): the top card from the kitty which has been turned face up
• Lead with a singleton off-suit whenever possible. If no other cards of that suit are in your hand, the probability of your opponents having them is higher which prevents them from trumping your ace. Your best shot for having an ace make it around the table and winning a trick is on the opening lead.
• Don’t always count on your partner for at least one trick. Doing so can end up backfiring and getting you euchred!
• Keep track of the cards played. While it’s important to pay attention to your own cards, keeping an eye on what cards have been played by your opponent's is just as important to see how it will affect the outcome of the game.
If you have any technical problems, please email us directly at [email protected].
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Online or offline, play the best classic trick-taking card game designed specifically for Android. Plus, it’s 100% free! Euchre Classic has that traditional feel you’ve been looking for, with intelligent computer opponents that are just as intuitive as any in-person challenger to sit at your table. Keep it fun and relaxing with this family favorite card game, and download Euchre Classic today!
• 3 levels of difficulty
• Ability to play offline
• Clever computer opponents
• Large, easy to read cards
• 3 game modes - Stick the Dealer, Canadian Loner & Benny
• 3 game speeds to choose from
• Autosave - close the app and retain your progress
• Free, with unlimited matches
Euchre is a popular trick-taking card game that’s closely related to Hearts, Spades, Bridge and Whist. It is also known as Bacon in other English-speaking countries. The object of the game is for a partnership to win at least three tricks. If the side that selected trump fails to get three tricks, it is said to be “euchred”. Winning all five tricks is called a “march”.
Paired up into teams of two, each player receives 5 cards. The trump suit is determined through a bidding phase before each round. The Makers are the partnership who selected the trump suit and must win more tricks than the Defenders.
Players are required to follow suit after the leading card has been played. The player who played the highest value card of the suit that was lead will collect the trick. Points are awarded after each round based on which partnership won more tricks.
When one or more cards of the trump suit are in a trick, the highest trump suit card will win the trick. The team who reaches 10 points first win the game.
• Bowers: the highest cards in the suit
• Defenders: the partnership that did not order the trump
• Euchre(d): when a player calls trump and fails to get three tricks
• Eldest Hand (AKA 1st Seat): opponent to the left of the dealer
• Hand: a hand consists of five tricks (when all cards from the deal have been played)
• Kitty: the four cards left over after the deal
• Makers: the partnership that ordered the trump
• March: calling and getting all five tricks
• Order Up: declaring the trump suit
• Pone (AKA 3rd Seat): the opponent to the right of the dealer
• Singleton: a lone card of any given suit, when no other cards of that suit are held in your hand
• Stick the Dealer: a game option that forces the dealer to declare the trump suit if all other players pass in the 2nd round of bidding
• Trick: all four cards played by each player
• Trump: the suit that outranks all other suits
• Turn-card (AKA Up-Card): the top card from the kitty which has been turned face up
• Lead with a singleton off-suit whenever possible. If no other cards of that suit are in your hand, the probability of your opponents having them is higher which prevents them from trumping your ace. Your best shot for having an ace make it around the table and winning a trick is on the opening lead.
• Don’t always count on your partner for at least one trick. Doing so can end up backfiring and getting you euchred!
• Keep track of the cards played. While it’s important to pay attention to your own cards, keeping an eye on what cards have been played by your opponent's is just as important to see how it will affect the outcome of the game.
If you have any technical problems, please email us directly at [email protected].
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安卓模擬器上玩Euchre Classic手遊電腦版的方法
3在模擬器上搜尋Euchre Classic
6在電腦上用夜神模擬器暢玩Euchre Classic
Euchre Classic的精彩影片
喜歡Euchre Classic,還在盯著手機的小螢幕嗎?夜神模擬器助你像職業電競選手一般電腦大螢幕觀賞,用鍵盤,滑鼠和手把來全面操控你的遊戲。在電腦上下載,安裝Euchre Classic並流暢體驗。夜神模擬器讓你免於電量不足,流量消耗以及通話來電時被強行打斷的困擾。最新的夜神安卓模擬器完美相容安卓7,支援99%的安卓手遊,是你在電腦上暢玩安卓手遊及APP的最強助手。我們親自體驗並客製最順手的按鍵設定,讓Euchre Classic更還原電腦遊戲的操作習慣;比遊戲更懂你。