Attack on Giants PC電腦版下載- PC電腦玩手遊 - 夜神手機模擬器

Attack on Giants 電腦版

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下載夜神模擬器,電腦大螢幕暢玩Attack on Giants -享受無與倫比的遊戲體驗

在夜神模擬器上暢玩 Attack on Giants 電腦版


更新日期 :  2021-04-16        當前版本 :  0.5.9
“COMBAT!” That’s what screams in your mind instantly when you see these epic giants on the battlefield.

Your high tech gear enables you to swing in the air and fly at them! Aim for the neck with your powerful blades! CHOP! CHOP! He’s dead.

Titan slayed after titan slayed, humanity breathes again.

Upgrade your mobility gear and go from simple grapples to jetpacks and wings. Sky's the limit, or is it ?

Unlock all sorts of blades: from the classic to the fire sword and then you may need those laser saber to slice the toughest titans.

Gather team mates to assist you in the slaying and fly by your side from levels to levels.

Don’t miss the giant’s neck or you might leave a team mate behind in the hands of the titans. Go! Go and rescue them from the claws of these monsters. It’s a slashing challenge to save humanity from the titan threat.

In Attack on Giants you will find:
1) Realistic physics to master in order to gain some control in the air;
2) Tons of customization options;
3) Diverse strategic choices to solve a level;
4) Various fantasy environments;
5) Diehard Bosses that you will have to slice repeatedly;

But mostly: Giants, too many of them to count. Giants with their scary faces and unexpected behaviour. You never know what’s waiting for you in the next battle. Will you dare to face them ?

Are you ready?

安卓模擬器上玩Attack on Giants手遊電腦版的方法

  • 1下載夜神模擬器至電腦

  • 2執行安裝包並完成安裝

  • 3在模擬器上搜尋Attack on Giants

  • 4從Play商店裡進行安裝遊戲

  • 5完成安裝後點擊遊戲圖示啟動遊戲

  • 6在電腦上用夜神模擬器暢玩Attack on Giants




Attack on Giants的精彩影片

喜歡Attack on Giants,還在盯著手機的小螢幕嗎?夜神模擬器助你像職業電競選手一般電腦大螢幕觀賞,用鍵盤,滑鼠和手把來全面操控你的遊戲。在電腦上下載,安裝Attack on Giants並流暢體驗。夜神模擬器讓你免於電量不足,流量消耗以及通話來電時被強行打斷的困擾。最新的夜神安卓模擬器完美相容安卓7,支援99%的安卓手遊,是你在電腦上暢玩安卓手遊及APP的最強助手。我們親自體驗並客製最順手的按鍵設定,讓Attack on Giants更還原電腦遊戲的操作習慣;比遊戲更懂你。


