Pure Breed Miniature Dog Life Sim PC電腦版下載- PC電腦玩手遊 - 夜神手機模擬器

Pure Breed Miniature Dog Life Sim 電腦版

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在夜神模擬器上暢玩 Pure Breed Miniature Dog Life Sim 電腦版


更新日期 :  2019-03-20        當前版本 :  2.0.0
Having a furry pet is easy when your pet is virtual. Enjoy realistic dog owner's life in the free 3D Pomeranian Spitz dog simulation game — Pure Breed Miniature Dog Life Sim!

Meet your ideal doggy — a nice Pomeranian Spitz! The dogs of this breed make perfect family pets and great life companions, and now you’ve got this one, too. Enjoy your everyday routine with this fluffy ball of happiness, take care of its needs and it will certainly fill your heart in with tenderness and love!

The Pomeranian you’ve got is just a puppy at the beginning of the game, so keep an eye on your baby-dog and watch its growing into a young and active Spitz in free dog life simulation game Pure Breed Miniature Dog Life Sim.

Take care of your Pomeranian and stay informed on your pet’s condition. Check your dog’s health and stamina bars, water, and food indicators regularly. Your doggy needs to eat and drink well to stay happy and healthy.

When your Pomeranian is grown enough to have its own puppies, make sure you find a perfect mate for it. Your doggy’s life gonna be happier, and you can enjoy having more lovely Pomeranian puppies in your home!

Don’t forget your fluffy pet needs good training and plenty of moving activity, too. Satisfy those needs by letting the dog chase other animals, such as cats, rats, and mice. The little puppies often enjoy chasing other dogs and animals, and although it looks like they’re hunting, they just play tags. So do not punish your miniature dog for playing gotcha games.

During the life, your fluffy Spitz gains XP. Use it to upgrade your doggy and change its fur colors. Or you can buy another breed to take care of. You have a big variety of other Spitz dog breeds to choose from. American Eskimo Dog, Japanese Spitz, Samoyed, and many others just can’t wait to become friends with you!

Pure Breed Miniature Dog Life Sim features:

* Realistic dog life simulation game: control the pet’s health, stamina, food and water to keep it safe and happy
* Chasing missions: keep the dog active and interact with other animals in the game
* Breeding missions: find a perfect mate for your doggy to let them have puppies, then take care of them all
* Different doggy upgrades at your disposal
* A capability of changing the breed using XP points
* Various different Spitz dog breeds are available to choose from
* Really cute 3D graphics

Buy a dog of your dream, take care of it and its puppies and watch them live a safe and happy pet life in the ultimate 3D dog life simulator Pure Breed Miniature Dog Life Sim, it’s free of charge!

安卓模擬器上玩Pure Breed Miniature Dog Life Sim手遊電腦版的方法

  • 1下載夜神模擬器至電腦

  • 2執行安裝包並完成安裝

  • 3在模擬器上搜尋Pure Breed Miniature Dog Life Sim

  • 4從Play商店裡進行安裝遊戲

  • 5完成安裝後點擊遊戲圖示啟動遊戲

  • 6在電腦上用夜神模擬器暢玩Pure Breed Miniature Dog Life Sim




Pure Breed Miniature Dog Life Sim的精彩影片

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