在夜神模擬器上暢玩 IELTS Complete Preparation and Exam (Free English) 電腦版
"IELTS Complete Preparation and Exam" is a free application to help you improve your IELTS skills.
With IELTS Tips in IELTS Complete Preparation and Exam app, you will find the tips that show you some ways to get high score, how to make an IELT Test.
With IELTS Reading, it provides information, knowledge and some Reading Test for IELTS with answers.
With IELTS Writing, it provides knowledge, sample IELTS Writing Test and information of IELTS Writing for your IELTS Exam. On each topic, ideas are categorized so that learner can practice and summarize easily.
Base on the suggested ideas, learners will be able to develop their own essay
Store the developed essay for reference purpose
With IELTS Speaking:
Prepare with confidence for your upcoming IELTS Academic or General Training test. The IELTS Prep App gives you instant, unlimited access to all the right tools you need to prepare for your test – anytime, anywhere.
1. Comprehensive overview of the IELTS tests
• Practice your Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking skills with our expert tools
2. Free practice tests
• Prepare for the types of questions you’ll find in the test
3. Grammar exercises
• Improve your understanding of tenses and other key English grammar, track your progress with quizzes
It's Also includes :-
1) IELTS Speaking test advice for IELTS exam.
2) Many IELTS sample speaking with solution.
3) This app has Audio speaking test also.
4) It shows plenty of techniques for improving band score.
With IELTS Listening:
* There are 3 levels in IELTS Listening. Each level has 34 lessons. Basing on capability, listener should choose corresponding level.
* Display transcript and exercise while opening audio.
* IELTS Listening can run on two modes: online and offline.
* Support downloading audio and listen at offline mode.
* IELTS Listening has irregular verbs table. It will support listener while doing exercise or simply check irregular verb.
Hope that you love this app and give it 5 stars in rating.
If you have any suggestion, please feel free to leave us review or contact us.
With IELTS Tips in IELTS Complete Preparation and Exam app, you will find the tips that show you some ways to get high score, how to make an IELT Test.
With IELTS Reading, it provides information, knowledge and some Reading Test for IELTS with answers.
With IELTS Writing, it provides knowledge, sample IELTS Writing Test and information of IELTS Writing for your IELTS Exam. On each topic, ideas are categorized so that learner can practice and summarize easily.
Base on the suggested ideas, learners will be able to develop their own essay
Store the developed essay for reference purpose
With IELTS Speaking:
Prepare with confidence for your upcoming IELTS Academic or General Training test. The IELTS Prep App gives you instant, unlimited access to all the right tools you need to prepare for your test – anytime, anywhere.
1. Comprehensive overview of the IELTS tests
• Practice your Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking skills with our expert tools
2. Free practice tests
• Prepare for the types of questions you’ll find in the test
3. Grammar exercises
• Improve your understanding of tenses and other key English grammar, track your progress with quizzes
It's Also includes :-
1) IELTS Speaking test advice for IELTS exam.
2) Many IELTS sample speaking with solution.
3) This app has Audio speaking test also.
4) It shows plenty of techniques for improving band score.
With IELTS Listening:
* There are 3 levels in IELTS Listening. Each level has 34 lessons. Basing on capability, listener should choose corresponding level.
* Display transcript and exercise while opening audio.
* IELTS Listening can run on two modes: online and offline.
* Support downloading audio and listen at offline mode.
* IELTS Listening has irregular verbs table. It will support listener while doing exercise or simply check irregular verb.
Hope that you love this app and give it 5 stars in rating.
If you have any suggestion, please feel free to leave us review or contact us.

安卓模擬器上玩IELTS Complete Preparation and Exam (Free English)手遊電腦版的方法
3在模擬器上搜尋IELTS Complete Preparation and Exam (Free English)
6在電腦上用夜神模擬器暢玩IELTS Complete Preparation and Exam (Free English)
IELTS Complete Preparation and Exam (Free English)的精彩影片
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