在夜神模擬器上暢玩 Learn Khmer Alphabet Easily - Khmer Script -Letter 電腦版
Welcome to learning Khmer Alphabet (Khmer Script, Khmer Syllable, Khmer Symbol, Khmer Letters, Khmer Characters )
The Khmer alphabet or Khmer script is an abugida (alphasyllabary) script used to write the Khmer language (the official language of Cambodia). It is also used to write Pali in the Buddhist liturgy of Cambodia and Thailand.
Application teach you to read and write Khmer Alphabet (Khmer Script, Khmer Syllable, Khmer Symbols, Khmer Letters, Khmer Characters ). If you want to learn Khmer the first thing you must know is alphabet (script, syllable, symbols, letters, characters) fluently.
The application is a great reference for the symbols , script, letters, characters and will help you to memorize the alphabet easily.
This application makes easy for beginner to memorize the Khmer alphabet (memorize Khmer script).
⚫ Play Quizzes Game (test, check your knowledge)
⚫ Play Freaking Game
⚫ Flashcards
⚫ How to pronounce the alphabet
⚫ Very simple , easy to use
⚫ How to write the alphabet
⚫ Khmer numeral, number, counting, 123
⚫ Khmer date & time
⚫ Khmer consonant
⚫ Khmer dependent vowel
⚫ Khmer independent vowel
⚫ Khmer handwriting cursive
⚫ Recorded by a native speaker
⚫ High quality audio
⚫ Copy to clipboard by long click
If you like app, give us 5 stars.
Enjoy the fun!
After using our app, you can:
✴ Memorize, Learn, Pronounce, Study, Write, Remember, Spelling Khmer alphabet, symbols, characters, letters, script, syllable, abc, language, numbers easily.
Welcome to learning Khmer Alphabet (Khmer Script, Khmer Syllable, Khmer Symbol, Khmer Letters, Khmer Characters )
The Khmer alphabet or Khmer script is an abugida (alphasyllabary) script used to write the Khmer language (the official language of Cambodia). It is also used to write Pali in the Buddhist liturgy of Cambodia and Thailand.
Application teach you to read and write Khmer Alphabet (Khmer Script, Khmer Syllable, Khmer Symbols, Khmer Letters, Khmer Characters ). If you want to learn Khmer the first thing you must know is alphabet (script, syllable, symbols, letters, characters) fluently.
The application is a great reference for the symbols , script, letters, characters and will help you to memorize the alphabet easily.
This application makes easy for beginner to memorize the Khmer alphabet (memorize Khmer script).
⚫ Play Quizzes Game (test, check your knowledge)
⚫ Play Freaking Game
⚫ Flashcards
⚫ How to pronounce the alphabet
⚫ Very simple , easy to use
⚫ How to write the alphabet
⚫ Khmer numeral, number, counting, 123
⚫ Khmer date & time
⚫ Khmer consonant
⚫ Khmer dependent vowel
⚫ Khmer independent vowel
⚫ Khmer handwriting cursive
⚫ Recorded by a native speaker
⚫ High quality audio
⚫ Copy to clipboard by long click
If you like app, give us 5 stars.
Enjoy the fun!
After using our app, you can:
✴ Memorize, Learn, Pronounce, Study, Write, Remember, Spelling Khmer alphabet, symbols, characters, letters, script, syllable, abc, language, numbers easily.

安卓模擬器上玩Learn Khmer Alphabet Easily - Khmer Script -Letter手遊電腦版的方法
3在模擬器上搜尋Learn Khmer Alphabet Easily - Khmer Script -Letter
6在電腦上用夜神模擬器暢玩Learn Khmer Alphabet Easily - Khmer Script -Letter
Learn Khmer Alphabet Easily - Khmer Script -Letter的精彩影片
喜歡Learn Khmer Alphabet Easily ,還在盯著手機的小螢幕嗎?夜神模擬器助你像職業電競選手一般電腦大螢幕觀賞,用鍵盤,滑鼠和手把來全面操控你的遊戲。在電腦上下載,安裝Learn Khmer Alphabet Easily 並流暢體驗。夜神模擬器讓你免於電量不足,流量消耗以及通話來電時被強行打斷的困擾。最新的夜神安卓模擬器完美相容安卓7,支援99%的安卓手遊,是你在電腦上暢玩安卓手遊及APP的最強助手。我們親自體驗並客製最順手的按鍵設定,讓Learn Khmer Alphabet Easily 更還原電腦遊戲的操作習慣;比遊戲更懂你。